Receipt Bank – another way to better help you

We are always looking for ways to make your life easier.

Our latest initiative is Receipt Bank, a tool which allows a more automated bookkeeping workflow, solves typical specific compliance problems and serves as a back-up system.  It does so in a most cost effective manner.

Receipt Bank allows you to upload your business receipts, invoices and expenses into your software or provide them to us seamlessly and easily.  You can do so via photo on a mobile app downloaded to your smart phone or via personalised @ Receipt Bank email address.

The twelve main benefits from using Receipt Bank:-

  1. You save time on sending in your paperwork, time that you can spend on your core business services or more time not attending to paperwork.
  2. You can use up to any one or combination of four methods to submit information to Receipt Bank.
  3. The two main methods are taking a photo on your mobile phone or on-forwarding an e-mail.
  4. It is great solution to those who incur lots of costs on the road whether it be coffee meetings or receipts from Bunnings that are paid by cash or credit card.
  5. You limit the number of questions we ask.
  6. You don’t have to forage for receipts from up to 23 months ago.
  7. You save space as there’s no need to retain your physical documents (if you so wish), with all documents easily searchable and securely stored on the cloud.
  8. Or you can still keep those physical records but sleep easy in the knowledge that you have a back-up. Furthermore, you can rest easy knowing that your data is stored securely and encrypted.
  9. You now have real time information flowing into your accounting system, which allows us to provide you with better and more timely insights to improve your business.  Receipt Bank works best with Xero and QuickBooks Online.
  10. No more lost receipts & invoices!  No more paying too much tax or GST because you lost invoices and receipts.
  11. You can access your records from anywhere anytime.
  12. You can also rest easy in the knowledge that you have read only access after your business has ceased operating.

We welcome your call so e can explain the benefits to you – and other ways we can both simply and improve your life.

At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success.