Lockdown #5 government grants

The state and federal governments today announced their support packages in respect of covid lockdown #5 government grants.

Put simply, most incentives are a doubling of what was offered for the last lockdown.  As such, most businesses will receive nothing.

The Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund recipients will again receive $3,000 and Business Costs Assistance Program recipients $2,000.  Recipients is perhaps not the best term as whilst some 86,000 businesses applied, one quarter of those are still awaiting payment.  That said, those that received a payment need to not re-apply; they will simply receive a further amount.

Major event organisers will receive up to $250,000.  Cinemas though will only receive $12,000.

Significantly, workers who lose hours of work will be compensated – $600 if lose more than 20 hours during the lockdown; $375 if between 8 and 20 hours are lost.  Presumably this only relates to casuals as they have no leave to be stood down with.  Interestingly, the federal government will fund the payments to those within hot spots; the state government will fund payments to all other qualifying employers.

We will keep you posted if further details are announced or extra support is announced.  We also welcome any questions you may have.

At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success.