Lessons from the Olympics

And so another Olympics has come and gone. Two things struck me whilst watching these games – how small the crowds were and the number of shows of sportsmanship amongst the cut and thrust of a once in a four year competition.  I was also reminded about the importance of a coach.

This was particularly evident in “turn” events such as the high jump, long jump and pole vault. After their turn, every athlete seemed to engage their coach in a quick chat.  No doubt it was usually positive affirmation but it also seemed to frequently be a reminder of the basics; to follow a system, to do the right things the right way.

So what systems do you have in your business? How clear are those systems?  Do you practice them?  Does your team clearly understand what they are and are trained in them?  How often do you focus and remind yourself about doing the right things the right way – or are you just dealing with the issue of the day (whatever that may be and regardless of how unimportant that may be in the long run).

So who is your coach? Are you guilty of trying to wearing both hats?  Who is reminding you and training you on doing the right things the right way?  Maybe it’s time for you to appoint a coach.  We can help you as we do with so many clients – and from that we can provide you with insight and skills into many areas that we have gained from a vast array of experiences.  Our service offering will be further improved with the introduction of an upcoming key performance indicator monitoring system – keep an eye out for that.

 At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success tomorrow.

At MRS, we will spend today planning for your success.